Global Spine Outreach

Transforming Children with Complex Spinal Deformities Around the World!

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Cali, Colombia

Founded in 1536, Cali is the third largest city in Colombia with a population of over 2 million people. Cali is located in the western part of Colombia, surrounded by the beautiful Andes Mountains.

Advantages of Cali:

  • Close (approximately 3 hours south of Miami)
  • Central/Eastern time zone (no significant jet lag)
  • No vaccines necessary
  • 7 day time commitment
  • No visa necessary
  • Standard 120V outlets
  • Wireless internet in hospital
  • One of the oldest SRS GOP programs
  • SAFE!!


Over the week, we evaluate 50-60 children with spinal deformities and provide surgery to 10-15 of these children. Our entire team evaluates all the children together and participates in the operating room - each team member providing important insight into the care of the child.

Common diagnoses include:

  • Cervical instability
  • Chiari malformations
  • Diastematomyelia
  • Hyperkyphosis
  • Rare syndromes
  • Scoliosis (all types in all pediatric age groups)
  • Spina bifida